The definition of the term “brand” or “branding” has been debated on for many years. What began as a company name, slogan, and logo has become a complex marketing strategy that defines who you are and what your company represents. Good branding increases the overall value of a company, provides direction, and makes working with other businesses easier. So, what’s stopping you?
Deciding on the direction of your brand can be intimidating and very time consuming. It is easy to get stuck on a specific idea for your brand that might not be the best option. This is when it’s beneficial to step back and look at your company from a consumer’s standpoint. Consumers decide whether your brand is worth remembering, so their opinion is key in the development process.
- Identify your positioning.
- Establish company values.
- Determine target audience.
- Where do all of these develop? That is your brand.
Putting together a brand board for your company is arguably one of the best ways to develop a visual brand. Brand boards allow you to lay out all aspects of your company so that they are accessible to your employees. They also serve as a reference point when working with other companies, ultimately ensuring consistency and error-free work. Sometimes when something is laid out, it is easier to see elements that don’t belong, or cause friction instead of harmony.
When designing a basic brand board, we are always sure to include:
- Logos & Tagline – Including all renditions and how to properly apply them.
- Colors & Elements – Including Pantone colors if applicable, and any design elements like patterns, textures, or other visual motifs.
- Fonts – Including body, title, and accent text.
- Photography – Including photos that are regularly used, providing a few examples of the style and mood to help with maintaining consistency.
Once you’ve developed a brand, it is important to get people talking about it. People love to tell their friends about the brands they like, but they can’t tell someone about a brand they can’t remember. That said, do you ever wonder how companies show up out of the blue and suddenly become the only thing anyone can talk about? Well, besides being in the right place at the right time, there is a strategy behind this mysterious phenomenon:
- Create an awesome website
- Have a strong social media presence
- Be unique
- Build relationships with your customers
- Know your brand and stay committed to it
A strong brand is crucial to generating referrals and creating viral traffic, but proper decision making is critical in its success. We all know of a company that offers great products or provides excellent services, but has a tarnished brand due to poor decision making. Don’t be one of those companies. Take the time to identify a brand and maximize its potential.